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Clare Adrian is a performer, writer, musician, artist, poet, lyricist, one at a time, or in concert - as creative director of Claritivity Productions.

Claritivity Productions grew from thoughts that rhyme their way out of Clare Adrian’s mind, land on her piano keys, float out on notes of songs onto the stage where she performs the concoctions that entertainingly illustrate whatever she’s asked to teach an audience.

To date, some topics “claritivitied” have been:

parenting, child development concepts, prevention of teen pregnancy, violence and drug/alcohol use, recycling, kid’s stories and songs, and seasonal songs.

Give Clare a topic and she’ll give it wings - ‘r notes...

Oh, and by the way: There’s lots of info out there that state the problems. Claritivities offer solutions - in an easily digested artsy manner!

Clare’s also available for music, poetry, performance, for sheer artistry and enjoyment of it, educational or not!

Clare originally founded Claritivity Productions to present multi-media, performance-arts programs to effectively help prevent and replace abusive behaviors.


​Clare is dedicated to education through the arts, especially in various areas of abuse prevention of children, women, environment and animals. Through skills as writer, performer, musician, composer, poet, and playwright, she encapsulates the topics she teaches into a multi-media format.


​"If we are ever going to break through the patterns intrinsic to abusiveness, we need innovative programs that are competitive with the hypnotic spell of media ploys used to sell just about anything. Claritivity programs meet that criteria."   Clare Adrian 

Clare is mom to two wonderful human beings, is herself from a varied background, rooted in her native Missouri where she studied classical piano, was educated at U of MO, heavy in theater classes yet degreed in Sociology/Psychology; ​trained in psychodrama and Playback Theatre, certified in Expressive Arts Therapy at San Diego Institute of Integrated Studies, and further trained in jazz piano.


She worked in the field of early childhood development as parent educator, coordinator of teenage parents program, intensive in-home services specialist,  and also elementary school music and kids community theatre class teacher, while writing, composing, and illustrating her teachings, to then widen the audience scope to perform interactively with groups of kids to adults, in a broad variety of venues from stage to screen to school assemblies, playgrounds, parent meetings, seminars, conferences;

~all the while, did I mention full time freelance writing and playing local piano bar restaurants....



MC for Belly Dance United
Chorus Neighborhood Family event
Chorus 2 Neighborhood Family event
First Friday downtown
Baby dazed
Earth Day Blue Bag Special Recycling
Music Cafe Poetic Parenting workshop
Günter Hans Pub & Cafe jazz n blues
Poetic Parenting of Preschoolers
Music Cafe Poet Parent performance
Claritivity block party
Pangea Bakery Cafe jazz night
Coopers Landing
Beauty Fashion mag interview Paris H
Dr Danger Band New years Eve
Poetic Parenting excerpts
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